Susan P. Gibson

Curated by Diana Thorneycroft

Grief Work

Prairie Fusion Arts, Portage La Prairie

The Atrium Gallery 

11 - 2nd St. NE , Portage la Prairie 

Mon - Wed, 10 - 4 pm, Thu, 10 - 7 pm 

Exhibition Dates: March 31 – May 1 

Opening Reception: April 22, 5 - 7 pm

When Susan P. Gibson’s husband died, she was inundated with food. In her exhausted and grieving state, the excess was simply left on her dining room table and after a while, it began to transform and spring new life. 

Despite the emotional pain she was experiencing, Susan began documenting the decay unfolding in these gifts of nourishment. 

Susan’s interest is in the experience and merit of artists and audiences who exist outside of the mainstream art lexicon; Grief Work images honour the universality of grief while focusing on the consistency of change.