Sarah Crawley

as the wind blew: the ground beneath

me / at the water’s edge / in its path

Martha Street Studio 11 Martha St. Exhibition Dates:

March 7 – April 17 Workshop

The Magic of Solargraphy

Sun April 27

Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day time TBA Martha Street Studio

Sarah Crawley works with ideas generated from lived experience using different photographic technologies and materials.

as the wind blew: the ground beneath me / at the water’s edge / in its path captures the artist in the tender vulnerability of mourning, documenting the physical trials of performances leading up to, and following the death of Crawley’s mother.

Through uncomfortable and challenging rituals of time-based performances conducted in isolation among nature, Crawley captures raw grief and the pain of endurance through profound loss.

Captured by pinhole photography, video and lumen-printing, Crawley explores the nature of mourning and of ritual in remembering and honouring loved ones.

The artist gratefully acknowledges the support of the Manitoba Arts Council, the Winnipeg Arts Council and the Comox Valley Art Gallery.