Group show of local photographers 

GPAC Zed Gallery, 38 Centre Ave West, Carman, Manitoba 

Tues - Fri , 11 – 4 pm 

Sat , 11– 3 pm 

Sun - Mon , closed 

Opening Reception: Sat, April 5, 1 - 3 pm  


This project is aimed at inspiring anyone with a camera to capture images that remind them of something important. 

Memory is a significant aspect of the human experience, allowing us to understand what we are, who we are and ultimately why we are the way we are. Identity and meaning in life are assigned by the faculty of memory. 

When memory becomes questioned, reality also becomes questioned. This is a good thing; we must continue questioning the reality surrounding us and evolving into a better more just society. 

The broadness and scope of this project is also the inclusive pathway of our human journey, and perhaps ultimately, it is an offering to move on and embrace the unknown.